Feb 25, 2020
Belinda Fettke is a disruptor and outspoken activist exposing the truth behind how her husband Dr Gary Fettke was targeted and through a deep investigation she uncovered shocking information about the vested interests behind creating Nutrition recommendations. Hint: it’s not science but comes from ideological roots...
Feb 20, 2020
Linda Salant is a long-term carnivore who has been a follower of the zero-carb carnivore diet since April 2015. Linda has been quietly and steadily continuing her path of maintaining and improving her health. She hopes that sharing her experience and knowledge will help to dispel current myths and trends that...
Feb 18, 2020
Lead editor/author of the
textbook, Processed Food Addiction,
selected by...
Feb 16, 2020
Dr Jen Unwin. BSc, MSc, DPsy, C Psychol, FBPsS
Consultant Clinical Health Psychologist.
Past Chair, UK Association for Solution Focused Practice.
Winner of the British Psychological Society Karen Ehlert
Lifetime achievement award in clinical health psychology.
Dr Jen Unwin has spent her professional life interested in...
Feb 10, 2020
Dr. Vera Tarman, a medical addictions physician in Toronto, works with people who want to break their dependence on unhealthy foods. Over the last 20 years, she has been the medical director at a clinic that has served more than 10,000 patients, including 1,000 with food addictions. She is the author of Food Junkies –...